My angle in reading: When ideas I am convinced are true, are stated in an other form, or expressed by an other mind, there is a feeling of satisfaction in it. The truth is sacred. It is the reality in which we operate. When we twist it, for the sake of ours and our loved ones' comfort; we harm our ability to live at our best, honestly and with integrity, in this reality.
Was really enjoyable.
Bit gruesome and morbid at times with all the deaths, but worthwhile.
Postread feeling: Not bad. Not the best, but pretty decent.
Profit: enjoyable humor good time. Reinforce some good attitudes and values.
Okay to reread.
I will miss the characters I think.
Read with hope for:
a) good time and laughs
b) useful wisdom
It was funny. But I had this feeling of ukk (like a morbidness),.. it wasn't enjoyable enough to surpass that ukk feeling, so I eventually after a few chapters, skimmed through the rest. reinforces such values as patriarchalness, vulgar-racist-sexist-immature humor.
I just didn't want to ingrain that on the slate of my mind, and make myself even more that way.
Do not reread.